Upcoming Activities/Events

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Up-coming activities/events

The following serves to inform you that there have been some changes on our year planner for March 2017. The Big Walk was scheduled for the 30/03/2017; however we had to move this to the 21/04/2017 as our senior grades are still writing cycle tests.

  • Also forms for the Big Walk will be sent home before the school closes. All funds raised will be used to buy silver gravel for the school parking area as this will help to reduce the dust.
  • On the 31/03/2017 the school will be having a movie & PJ party for R30 each. All learners from Nursery to grade 11 are to wear full (onezies) / long pj’s for the day. Please note no nighties, shorts or see through clothing will be allowed, all girls must wear long pants or “onezies”.
  • All learners MUST attend on Friday 31/03/2017, as they will be finishing assessments, exams and tests.
  • School closes at 11:00am for leaners except those doing tests.
  • Please note that winter uniform will be available as per orders. The orders forms are attached. Kindly return with monies as soon as possible to avoid any delays as this takes time to make.
  • Reminder: Parents and SGB evening will take place on the 29th of March as scheduled Time 6.00 for 6.30 Parents are welcome to come earlier as well. All Educators will be here from 5pm.
