Newsletter April 2017

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Dearest parents, grandparents and friends


Welcome to the second term  

We wish you all a blessed Easter and hope you all had a good break. We have to tackle the second term whole heartily as we write exams in June.

General Information

School Uniform and Hair:

  • School shirts and jackets are ordered from the school. Everyone was sent a Jacket order form for winter Jackets if you have not got one please let us know ASAP.
  • Please ensure that every item of clothing and lunch box/bag is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • All children must wear their summer uniform during the first and fourth term. Winter uniform must be worn in the second and third term.
  • The seniors have chosen a blazer and they are ready at Sedgars.
  • School caps are compulsory for the sun during sports, and break as the sun is very hot.
  • Children participating in sports must wear their sports uniform T shirts on such days.
  • Boys Hair- May not be longer than 1cm on top. No colouring of hair and no highlights are allowed for boys or girls.
  • Girl’s hair may be plated but must be tied up and not in their eyes I do allow blue and White beads in their hair.NO other colour.

Stationary and Text Books

  • Leaners who have not brought their white and colour paper by te end of April it will be billed to the parents account. As per the parent meeting on the 29th March I is not fair on the parents that have kept to their stationary list.

Diaries and Suitcases

All learners must have a school dairy.

  • The dairy must be covered, with the learners name on it.
  • Parents please ensure that you check and sign your child diary daily.
  • Unsigned homework will lead to a demerit and then detention.
  • Please ensure that your child has a strong suitcase for their books.


  • Foundation phase lunches must be as healthy as possible.
  • For the foundation phase, sweets, chocolates, chips and fizzy drinks are kept as treats.
  • Meals are available in the Tuck-shop is available every day.
  • You are welcome to pack in unflavoured bottled water. This helps with their concentration as is relevant to the seniors as well.
  • Parents are welcome to make use of the tuck-shop on account per month for food and a cool drink this works out to R20.00 daily

School Times:

  • Educator’s morning meeting 7.30 am
  • Mondays / Fridays from 8 – 2pm
  • Foundation phase comes out at 1 30pm.
  • You can collect your child from the playground gate.
  • The School is not liable or responsible for any learner left at school after 2.15pm.unless the learner attends aftercare on the premises.
  • Should a learner not be collected by 2 30pm. the learner will be taken to aftercare this learner will be fed and recorded in the aftercare register and the parent will be billed R50.00 for the day.

Aftercare Times. Tasks.

  • Aftercare is from after school to 18.30pm
  • Learners are given lunch, they must do their homework and they may partake in extra mural activities.
  • At 3pm the learners will receive a snack.
  • NOT all tasks can be completed at aftercare it is still the responsibility of the parent to check if your child has a task that needs to be completed.
  • All tasks are given over a two-week period.
  • Parents who fail to collect their children within that time without a valid reason, will be fined R100.00 per half hour per child.
  • All after care children must be signed out at the Gate by the security.

Morning and afternoon supervision:

  • The gates open at 6:30 am in the morning, there will be a teacher on duty.
  • There is a teacher on duty and a staff member every morning from  7 : 30 am and in the afternoon until 14:15 pm
  • Please take note that this is NOT for the nursery or the aftercare
  • Nursery time are from 6: 15 am to 18:30 pm
  • Aftercare from after school to 18:30 pm




De Merit /Merit System.

  • We strongly believe that a disciplined child is a happy child. Discipline is our responsibility: we require your full support. In order for us to do this successfully.
  • Should your child’s behaviour be unacceptable, we write out a demerit in his/ her dairy. Children will receive 5 demerits before detention.
  • Should you receive such a note we urge you to discuss the matter with your child and suggest ways in which your child can improve his/her behaviour.
  • Merit Rewards are issued for full marks in assessments as well as for good behaviour, showing kindness, consideration and working to their best ability.


  • Parents please encourage your child to complete their homework assignments. We ask those assisting with the homework to please let the learner try it on their own, if there are any difficulties please write a little note to the teacher so she/he can revise the work with the learner.


  • This term the reading club starts again .Mam Angel is in charge of this club. We ask our parents to encourage our children to read daily.
  • We set out to achieve that each learner will read one book per week.
  • Each learner will have a reading card that will be checked by the language teacher on a weekly basis.
  • Last year I sent a letter informing you that we will have a library this year, well this has happened. Our library will be known as the Alan Walkden Library.
  • Please be so kind as to go through your books at home and let us have any books that you are not using for the library.

Illness/ Absenteeism:

  • Absenteeism is a big problem as we cover and assess a lot of work each day. It is very important that your child hears the explanation and physically discovers new themes and concepts .We ask the parents to provide a doctors letter when the child fails to write any assessments. If no doctor letter is provided then the leaner cannot write the test.


  • We are not allowed to administer any medication to any child unless it is a matter of urgency e.g. for allergies, asthma, diabetes.
  • The school must be notified in writing with strictly instructions as well as emergency contact numbers where necessary.
  • The educator giving the medication is responsible with a medication form as to how it must be administered.

Birthday Celebrations

  • Each child’s birthday is celebrated by the class by singing and clapping.
  • If this is against your religion please let the school know.
  • We respect all religions but it is the responsibility of the parent to let us know what your practices are.
  • Should you wish to you are welcome to send to school cupcakes, cakes and party packs etc.

Parent Teacher Association

  • Meeting of the 29th March 2017 our new chairperson Mrs Pakie Mokena was voted in seconded by Albert Karoli
  • Concerns raised were cleared .
  • Our SGB is very important to a school to help build a school in fund raising and general helping. We had an excellent turn out.


  • We have an open door policy and gladly make ourselves available to you for discussion and problem solving, but we would prefer it if an appointment is made so teachers can arrange a time that would not disturb their lessons.
  • In case of emergency please contact the office, the office staff will convey the message to the appropriate teacher.
  • You can also make use of your child dairy to convey any message to the teacher.


           Reports and Transfer Cards.

  • These will be issued at the end of very term during the school year. Provided that your fees are paid up to date.
  • As discussed in the meeting there is problems with SASAMS and draft changes that were made available to parents.

Accounts and Fees.

  • Parent’s not paying fees have got out of hand. Dixon Academy has now gone onto the Sage one Accounting package.
  • Arianne Blignaut has taken over all the accounts as from the 1 April 2017. Parents will now receive a statement and in invoice monthly.
  • Dixon Academy cannot carry learner fees. CMM attorneys will be dealing with outstanding fees from now on. Some contracts have had to be terminated due to non-payment.

Payments done after the 3rd of the month will pay a R20.00 fine per day as per the Dixon Academy Contract.

  • Please understand that this institution is not funded by any outside company the government.
  • Therefore it is of the utmost importance that fees are paid monthly on time and in full as this covers our educator’s salaries and overheads.

Extra Murals

These are set out on the table below.

Children must bring sportswear, they sweat and then have to be in those clothes the whole day .Shorts and T shirt to do sports in.

  • Soccer we are in the Milton Soccer league this term.
  • One extra-mural is compulsory per learner. We encourage all learners to please take part in as many extra-murals as they can.
  • Please note that this does not include our arts festivals dates.
  • National Arts festivals dates also not included.


Educator   Extra- Mural Time Days Cell Number
Bronkhorst Chareene Outdoors /Fishing   1xa term 084 0730 788
Clark Lindi Fashion & design 2-3 Tuesdays 072 8003 940
Havenga Ashley Fashion & design






071 6733 902
Manjokoto Charles Chess

Art /Soccer





084 6952 335
  Phillip Chess 2-3 Wednesday 061 123 0151
Mienie Bianca Outdoors/Hockey   1xa term 081 0068 710
Van Der Berg Chantelle Hockey   Winter 061 3714 071
Ntumba Angel Debate/reading

Arts Festivals

  2nd Break /Hall

Mon, Wed, Fri

072 3992 734
  Dee/Felicity Drama /Poetry   2nd Break /Hall

Mon, Wed, Fri

084 6383 481



I have attached our school calendar for your perusal for 2017.


Please note that the calendar is subject to change.


Kind Regards Thanking You

Aunty Carmy (Carmelita Dixon) Principal



TERM 2  
17 – March Monday Family Day completed
18 – March Tuesday School opens completed
27th April  – 1st May Thursday Long Weekend  Nursery and school closed  
25th April Wednesday Big Walk  
5th-May Friday  cake  and Candy day  
14-May Sunday Mother day  
27- May Friday Amazing Race  
2 –June Friday June exams Start  
2- June Friday Cake and Candy  
15 June Thursday Dixie ‘s have Talent competition  
16-Jun Friday Youth Day – School and Nursery closed Public Holiday  
28-Jun Wednesday PTA meeting and Parent Evening  
30-Jun Friday School closes for July Holiday, End of term 2  
TERM 1  
09-Jan Monday Teachers return to school  
10-Jan Wednesday School Opening  
27-Jan Friday Colouring competition Completed
03-Feb Friday Sports day Completed
06-Feb Monday Jelly Jar and Cards Completed
08-Feb Wednesday Day A  Term Cycle tests Start Completed
11-Feb Saturday Valentines Ball Completed
14-Feb Tuesday Valentine’s Day Completed
14-Feb Tuesday Hosting Principals Lunch Completed
18th -21stMar March Long Weekend

Nursery only-Open Monday  19th  closed Tuesday 21st March

03-Mar Friday Cake And Candy Sale Completed
29- Mar Wed PTA and Parent Meeting Completed
30-Mar Thursday Big Walk extended
31-Mar Friday School closes, end of First term
14 – 18 April Friday Easter weekend Nursery Closed 



TERM 3  
21-Jul Friday Teachers return to school  
24-Jul Monday Students return to school after July holiday, Starting Term 3  
4 Aug Friday Fashion Show  
09- Aug Wednesday  Woman’s day Public holiday  


01-Sep Friday Spring day  
04-Sep Monday Cycle tests start  
18-Sep Monday Career Day Grade 7  
22-Sep Friday School Heritage day – Fund raiser  
25-Sep Monday Public holiday Heritage day  
27-Sep Wednesday PTA and parent evening  
 29- Sept  Friday  School Closes  


TERM 4  
09-Oct Monday School opens  
20- Oct Friday Re-registration  
25- Oct Wednesday School concert Nursery RRR- R  
26-Oct Thursday School concert – Grade 1 -3  
27 – Oct Friday School concert – Grade 4-11  
03-Nov Monday Christmas cards for sale/cake and candy  
06-Nov Monday Final Exams Start  
29-Nov Wednesday Nursery prize giving grade Tiny-Tots to grade R  
30-Nov Thursday School  Prize giving  
01-  Dec Friday Grandparents  Dag  
01-Dec Friday School fun Friday  
06-Dec Wednesday School closes End of Term 4, End of year  

